Please help. We need your help so that we can continue to make a positive difference.
Spenden / Donate...Your HELP is making a difference!
The easiest way to help is a school sponsorship! Sign up today and help a child in need.
The organiszation has many different projects where help and financial assistance is wanted. Take a look at the projects and see what YOU can do to make a big difference.
Future projects and continuing projects
- Financial help to plan, build and complete schools on the three African countries
- Financial help to maintain and improve completes schools in the three African countries
- Purchasing land for the schools, school gardens and dormitories/living spaces for the students
- School sponsorships to provide schooling for one African child for a full year
- Financial help create school gardens
- Donations for wood saving stoves and cleaner cooking areas/cafeterias
- Solar panels and installations for the school grounds
- Financial assistance for frilling fresh water wells for school grounds which also supplies the community with water
- Financial assistance for medication and general medical care
- Medical help and assistance for injuries and illnesses for underprivileged individuals living in poverty unable to get help
Our Successes
You can view more under Successes 2012 .
Our projects in 3 countries